
Undergraduate Interns 학부 인턴 for 2025 SPRING *FILLED*

2025 SPRING 

Project 1
Investigate boiling-condensation flow instabilities for i-SMR
혁신형 소형모듈원전 피동냉각계통 증발기인 유동 불안정성 연구

Project 2  [Korean Only]
Core thermal-hydraulics analysis for Gas-cooled Reactor
민관합작 고온가스로 노심열유체 해석 연구 

Project 3
Develop futuristic nuclear battery
차세대 핵전지 개발 연구

Graduate(M.S./Ph.D.) students for 2025 FALL *M.S. position FILLED*

We are seeking highly motivated graduate(M.S./Ph.D.) students with experiences in programming languages (e.g., MATLAB, Python, Fortran, C++, etc.), and/or with commercial computational tools/system codes (e.g., ANSYS, STAR-CCM+, OpenFOAM, MCNP, ABAQUS, SERPENT, RELAP, SPACE, etc.). 

Selected candidates will play a pivotal role in developing & running an experimental system for advanced nuclear reactor research and contribute to developing cutting-edge ideas in the field.



How to Apply

[KAISTian] Please walk-in or direct email to the PI specifying your interest & preferred research topics.

[Outside students] Please send a CV (or resume) and a brief statement outlining research interests and experiences to the PI. Please include the name(s) of your reference(s), if applicable.

We encourage applications from candidates of all backgrounds and experiences.
Don't hesitate!  We look forward to welcoming dynamic individuals bringing a fresh perspective to our team.

*PI response time is ~1 week. If you haven't received a response within one week, it is possible that your qualifications do not meet the requirements. However, please feel free to send a reminder at any time.

34141 대전광역시 유성구 대학로 291 (구성동 한국과학기술원 373-1) 기계공학동 www.kaist.ac.kr